The credibility of digital media has been increasingly undermined in the last years by the availability of easy-to-use media editing tools and the development of AI-techniques, which enable even users with no to little technical skills to create visually plausible fake videos.
To goal of the PREMIER project is to devise a new class of techniques capable of distinguishing fake from original videos, with the objective of decreasing the amount of data needed for training forensic detectors, providing ways to interpret their results, and improving their security against strategic forgeries.
The developed tools are integrated into this demonstrator whereby users can assess the authenticity of a set of pre-loaded videos as well as their own videos.

Disclaimer 1! This demonstrator is the result of scientific activities within a research project. The techniques are trained and tested in controlled scenarios focused on face swaps data, and their performance on arbitrary deepfake data are not guaranteed. Intuitive result visualizations are displayed for dissemination purposes, expertise is required for an in-depth analysis and interpretation of the forensic outputs.

Warning! A fast connection is recommended for proper rendering of the interface.

  • University of Siena
  • University of Florence
  • University of Trento
  • Politecnico di Milano
  • University of Naples